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Many people hope that the whole world will one day speak a common language. Over the Years

, people have made up new languages with this aim. At least six hundred languages have been developed in the search for a language which all human beings would be able to speak. The most famous one, Esperanto (世界语) , was the idea of Ludwig Zamenhof, a doctor in Warsaw. He published a book about his new language in To encourage people to learn the Language, he made it as simple as possible. Esperanto has never been accepted as an official world language, but it has been suggested as an auxiliary language.

By 1950 it had been taught to one and a half million speakers, and it was spoken in six hundred schools. Today Esperanto is spoken by about eight million people, and more than one hundred newspapers and magazines in the language are published regularly throughout the world. Thousands of books have been written in Esperanto, including those translated from other languages.

Today the need for a new auxiliary language like Esperanto seems less obvious. Throughout this century English has grown more and more important. It has become a second language for many millions of people. The fact that more are learning English shows that the use of English is still growing worldwide. No one would deny the usefulness of world language, but not many people think that Esperanto is likely to play such a role.

Over the years, people have made up new languages in the hope that ______.

A.all people will be able to speak a common language

B.people will learn a foreign language better

C.people can understand each other better

D.people will be able to speak several languages

Zamenhof made the language as simple as possible because ______.A.he wanted people to learn it quickly

B.he hoped more and more people would be willing to learn it

C.he wanted everyone to speak it without any difficulty

D.he hoped it would be accepted as an official world language

Which of the following is NOT true of English?A.It is widely taught in schools.

B.It has become a second language for many millions of people.

C.Many books have been written in English.

D.It is less popular than Esperanto.

What is the best title of the passage?A.The language made by one man.

B.A talk about the world language.

C.English as a second language for everyone.

D.Esperanto—a better language than English.


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更多“Many people hope that the whol…”相关的问题
听力原文:Outrageous shopping bills are a familiar nightmare for many compulsive shoppers.
And contrary to popular opinion, men suffer that nightmare nearly as often as women. A new survey finds that both genders are almost equally likely to suffer compulsive buying disorder, a condition marked by uncontrollable, unnecessary and unaffordable shopping sprees. Researchers used to estimate that between 2 and 16 percent of the US population suffered compulsive buying disorder, and that 90 percent of sufferers were female. But a 2004 telephone survey of more than 2,500 American adults found that 6 percent of women and about 5.5 percent of men are compulsive shoppers; that's more than 1 in 20 adults. The sexes do not shop at the same aisles though. Experts say that women are more likely to binge-buy things like clothes or gifts for other people while men tend to buy expensive electronics. This survey is the first to find such a high number of compulsive shoppers in the general population. Study authors hope that this finding can convince doctors of how many people are hurt by the disorder, so they can make finding a cure a priority.

How many people of US population suffered compulsive buying disorder?

A.2 to 60 percent.

B.2 to 16 percent.

C.20 to 60 percent.

D.16 to 20 percent.

A smile is a strong sign of a friendly and open attitude and a willingness to communicate.
It is a positive, silent sign sent with the hope the other person will smile back. When you smile, you show you have noticed the person in a positive way. The result? That person will usually smile back.

You might not realize a closed position is the cause of many conversational problems. A common closed position is sitting with your arms and legs crossed and your hand covering your mouth or chin. This is often called the "thinking pose". Ask yourself this question: Are you going to interrupt someone who appears to be deep in thought? This position gives off "stay away" signs and prevents your main "sign sender" (your mouth) from being seen by others looking for inviting conversational signs.

The open body position is most effective when you place yourself within communicating distance of the other person—that is, within about five feet. Take care, however, not to enter someone's "personal space" by getting too close, too soon.

Leaning forward a little while a person is talking shows your interest and how you are listening to what the person is saying. By doing this, you are saying: I hear what you're saying, and I'm interested in—keep talking!

Often people will lean back with their hands over their mouth, chin, or behind their head in the "thinking" pose. This position gives off signs of judgment, doubt, and lack of interest from the listener. Since most people do not feel comfortable when they think they are being judged, this leaning-back position serves to prevent the speaker from continuing.

In many cultures the most common form. of first contact between two people is a handshake. Be the first to extend your hand in greeting. Couple this with a friendly "Hello", a nice smile, and your name and you have made the first step to open the lines of communication.

Eye contact should be natural, not forced or overdone. Direct eye contact shows you are listening to the other person and that you want to know about her.

A person smiles to show______.

A.he is kind and useful

B.he is happy all the time

C.he is ready to talk with you

D.he sees something funny

回答{TSE}题: A Letter from Alan I have learnt of a plan to build three hundred houses on t
he landcalled Parson's Place by the football grounD.Few people know about this newplan to increase the size of our town. For me, Parson's Place is specialbecause it is a beautiful natural area where local people can relax -the smallwood has many unusual trees and the stream is popular with fishermen andbird-watchers. It's very quiet because there are few houses or roads nearby. I think that losing thisarea will be terrible because we have no other similar facilities in theneighbourhood. I am also against this plan because it will cause trafficproblems. How will the people from the new houses travel to work? The motorwayand the railway station are on the other side of town. Therefore, these peoplewill have to drive through the town centre every time they go anywhere. The roads will always be full of traffic,there will be nowhere topark and the tourists who come to see our lovely old buildings will leave.Shops and hotels will lose business. If the town really needs more homes, theempty ground beside the railway station is a more suitable place. No doubt the builders will make a lot of money by selling thesehouses. But,in my opinion,the average person will quickly be made poorer bythis plan. As well as this,we will lose a very special place and our town willbe much less pleasant. I am going to the local government offices on Monday morning toprotest about this plan and I hope that your readers will join me there. Wemust make them stop this plan before it is too late. {TS}Why has Alan written this letter'?

A. To perersuade the government to build new houses.

B. To protest about a new motorway near the town.

C. To encourage more people in the town to use Parson's Place.

D. To inform. other people about the builders' plans.

Why are so many people unhappy in their jobs? There are two primary reasons. First, some p
eople are convinced that earning a living is wasting time that they could spend enjoying themselves or uncovering their true talents.

If this is the case with you, recall your last long vacation. Was it two weeks of complete enjoyment? More likely it was a week and a half of fun in the sun, with another half a week of "Boy, I can't wait to get back to work." If you didn't feel such vacation blues, then imagine taking a leave of absence. You could use it to work on a novel, enroll in classes or just sit around watching TV. At the end of three months, in all likelihood, your self-esteem would be at an all-time low. While all work and no play is not good, all play and no Work is disastrous. We need to feel we are accomplishing something. We also need some form. of order in our lives.

The second and perhaps more prevalent reason for people not to like their work is that they feel trapped. Once you've been at a company for five years and have a spouse, a mortgage and a child, you often feel you have very little choice about jumping ship if things aren't turning out as you'd planned. A steady paycheck can be the biggest manacle of all. People resent having to do something because they have no other choice.

If you find yourself resenting your job because you can't afford to quit, it may be time to prepare what one career counselor humorously calls a "cyanide capsule." He recalls spy movies in which the secret agent has such a capsule hidden somewhere on his body. If he's captured and tortured unbearably, he has an option. And having an option gives him the strength to hold on a little longer in the hope that the situation may change.

Rather than cyanide, your option takes the form. of an up-to-date resume. You might also take a weekly glance through the help-wanted section, and make some visits to industry functions where low-key networking can take place. You're not giving up on your current job. Rather, you are providing yourself with an option. If things get unbearable at work, you could jump ship. Being in this position can do wonders for your attitude. It allows you to enjoy your work since, in reality, you are there only because you want to be.

At the core of adopting a positive attitude to your workplace is, above all, assuming responsibility for your own situation. Most people feel controlled by their environment, but they really aren't. They have to learn to manage that environment so they can get from it what they need.

The first main reason for many people's unhappiness in their jobs rises from their conviction that ______.

A.working is like killing their true talents

B.working at a job is just wasting their time

C.working is not the enjoyment they are after

D.working is the least enjoyable way of spending time

Man is a land animal, but he is also closely tied to the sea.Throughout history the se
a has served the needs of man.The sea has provided man with food and a convenient way to travel to many parts of the world.Today, experts believe that nearly two-thirds of the world’s population live within eighty kilometers of the seacoast.

In the modern technology world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive.Resources on land are beginning to grow less.The sea, however, still offers hope to supply many of man’s needs in the future.

The riches of the sea yet to be developed by man’s technology are impressive.Oil and gas explorations have existed for nearly thirty years.Valuable amounts of minerals such as iron, copper and so on exist on the ocean floor.

Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new sources of energy.For example, warm temperature of the ocean can be used as the steam in a steamship.Sea may also offer a source of energy as electricity for mankind.

Technology is enabling man to explore even deeper under the sea.It is obvious that the technology to harvest the sea continues to improve.By 2050, experts believe that the problems to explore the food,

minerals and energy resources of the sea will have been largely solved.

26.What is the proper title for the passage______

A.Needs of Man

B.Sea Harvest and Food

C.Sea and Sources of Energy

D.Sea Exploring Technology

27.It can be inferred from the passage that______

A.man hasn’t completely made use of the riches of the sea

B.technology for exploring the sea has been solved

C.harvesting rice in the sea will be made possible

D.in the near future man can live on the ocean floor

28.Why does the author mention a steamship______

A.To illustrate that man can make use of sources of energy from the sea

B.To show that a steamship is better than other kinds of ships

C.To argue that man should use steamships

D.To indicate that it is warmer in the ocean than on land

29.According to the author, technology is important because______

A.resources on land are running short in ten years

B.man can use it to explore the deeper sea

C.it is a lot of fun diving into the sea

D.ancient people used it to explore the sea

30.According to the author, when will the problems to explore the deeper sea largely be solved______

A.In the next generation

B.By the end of the 20th century

C.In the near future

D.By the middle of the 21st century

How to Build Team Spirit and Get Best Sales Performance A.It is a well-known fact that an

How to Build Team Spirit and Get Best Sales Performance

A.It is a well-known fact that an organisation can achieve a greater success if a few peo-ple get united and work towards a goal together. An ordinary team can perform. betterprovided they are motivated. There are many instances, where a team approach has succeeded better compared to an organisation which is riddled with politics and manag-ers who only think about themselves. In fact this is a basic problem among Indians asthey always tend to develop "Frog Syndrome". The frog syndrome does not allow othercolleagues to go up in the ladder, which leads the organisation to become an ordinaryorganisation. Today the biggest problem in India many companies are facing is how todevelop team spirit among people. This is a very crucial point for the organisation tomake difference in today"s highly competitive environment. How can we develop suchthings today? Of course, there are many ways which are given below.

Develop Team Not Individual Only

B.The role of manager is to ensure that the people become cohesive (有凝聚力的) andfeel proud to be the member of the team. It is quite possible provided the manager him-self is a team leader. He has to set the right target, create enthusiasm among the people,develop a positive attitude among the people and motivate them at the right time. Ifdone, it is nothing succeeds like success.

Right Team Spirit

C.Right team spirit brings within the organisation a vibrant feeling to an insider as well asoutsider. There is always willingness to walk an extra mile among people to achieve theset objective. This leads to more congenial (令人愉快的) atmosphere within the organi-sation. How many companies have succeeded in doing the same? Does it bring smile toan ordinary person working in the organisation? If yes, that organisation really can sur-vive for a longer time.

SMILE Within the Organisation

D.A happy employee always tends to achieve better. Many companies tend to take careof external customers but tend to forget the internal customers. Hence, companiesshould do retrospective analysis on satisfaction level of the internal employees. Buthow many companies bother to do that? A real smile can help the organisation toachieve better sales.

SMILE = Sell More In Less Effort

E. How many people can bring a smile on the face of a person? Therefore, there are feworganisations which excel. However, this is possible provided the manager becomes

a mentor.Manager Should Be a Mentor to the People

F. People always look towards a manager as mentor who can correct, guide and give con-structive criticism. Manager should go where the colleagues working under him requirehim to go. He should help his colleagues during the need of the hour. Can a managerdevelop himself to be a mentor so that people can rely on his advice? A manager, if re-develop himself as a mentor, can definitely bring the team spirit among the people. Buthow many managers can be a mentor? Many times a manager himself is a grumbler (爱发牢骚的人) and creates a polluted environment within the organisation as his person-ality may not be fit to do a particular job. Therefore, a manager should analyse his ownpersonality along with his colleagues" and ensure that his personality along with hiscolleagues" personality be suited to do the particular job. Application of sales grid (网)approaches will definitely help him to understand his own personality as well as his col-leagues". This analysis can help to take corrective action and will create a greater senseof responsibility and motivation among the people. We must motivate ourselves to mo-tivate others.

G. This is possible provided a manager make the job more challenging. In fact during therecent survey conducted by the author in India, the No.1 motivator factor is job enrich-ment. How many managers try to create innovations in their job fimctions of their col- leagues and associates? How many managers remove the fear of instability? How manymanagers ask themselves what new things they or their teams have done? If this is doneregularly, the demotivation does not arise. Ordinary people can perform. extraordinarythings provided they bring the motivation and team spirit among the people. This is quite possible and a manager has a role to play. He should be proactive (主动的) inbuilding team spirit and take action.

Recognise Team Destroyers and Take Corrective Measures

H. There are certain people who because of the past experience can destroy the team spirit. Therefore, it is suggested that managers should identify "this grumbler" at right time and take corrective measures immediately. The cancerous cell should not be allowed to develop or proliferate (扩散). Proper counselling can help the manager to correct the situation. He should not develop a dual personality. For example, in the office the tap is leaking, however, he does not bother as he feels that it is the job of administration but when he goes home he makes sure that the leakage of the tap is corrected. The dichoto- my (分裂) behaviour of the person cannot help him to develop team spirit. The manager should develop fatherhood of a spastic (痉挛的) child who is very caring, understand- ing his child. He has to therefore correct him, mend him with hope that the future will be bright.

Educate the Colleague Doing the Work in a Positive Manner

I. Managers must educate a colleague while working. The recent study among the field force revealed that the field representatives like to have a leader who is good at product knowledge and selling skills. During the visit of a leader if he ensures that he gives one or two new points to his colleagues, then the interaction between the two becomes more fruitful. Fox example, if a zonal manager visits his team he may take up the product training in the conference or during the field work followed by a written test of the same subject. This concept was tried by the author in one of his client"s companies wherein he noticed that the representative never used to respect his senior because of his lack of knowledge on the product. This process of inculcating (教授) the habit of interactions between the two brought a better team spirit and respect for each other. This activity re- suited into higher productivity of the area.

One influence the analysis about a manager‘s personality and his colleagues may have on them is that they will be more responsible and motivated.


—How many people are there in Changsha?—About six ______.



C.millions of

It was difficult to __ how many people had been wounded in the earthquake.





How many people are required for all cash sealing?





The()of people playing soccer had grown from an estimated 500,000 in 1973 to about 60000





Although many people view conflict as bad, conflic

t is sometimes useful ___________ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.

A) by which B) to which

C) in that D) so that

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