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There are many kinds of ants in the world that always live in companies. 世界上总以群

居生活的蚂蚁有很多种。 They are the most hard-working creatures and most of them make their nests

under ground. The small black ants that we see running back and forth in the grass are the same ants that bother us by coming to our picnics uninvited. They are not trying to be harmful, but are only doing the house-keeping job they were made for.

They are nature's clean-up crew. One of these ants, scouting(搜索) in the grass, finds the trail of an injured beetle. In some mysterious way the news spreads. Soon there are two ants, then a few more. Then a dozen or more are running around the beetle. Enough ants will come to put an end to it.

Then the beetle is dead, the ants carry it away to their underground nests. They leave nothing in the grass but empty shell.

(1)、The ants that come to our picnics are having fun.



(2)、According to this passage, the black ants' job is to clean up the grass.



(3)、As soon as an ant finds an injured insect, it carries it away and eats it.



(4)、More ants learn about the beetle from other ants.



(5)、The ants clean the grass by carrying away everything but the shell.



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B.have never seen

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D.will never see

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A.on show

B.on duty

C.on business

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Information in the passage suggests that one reason manufacturers might take advantage of
the tax provision mentioned in the last paragraph is that______

A.there are many kinds of products that cannot be legally dumped in a landfill

B.liquidators often refuse to handle products with slight imperfections

C.the law allows a deduction in excess of the cost of manufacturing the product

D.media coverage of contributions of excess-inventory products to charity is widespread and favorable

E.no tax deduction is available for products dumped or sold to a liquidator

South America Located mostly(most) in the southern half of the earth, South America is a v

South America Located mostly(most) in the southern half of the earth, South America is a very(41)_____(interest) continent. The northern part of the continent is(42)_____(cover). By the Amazon Rainforest, which is home to thousands of the plant animal species. It is a very important force(43)_____(shape) the world's weather and climate patterns. And it is also important for the(44)_____(develop) of the economy of South America. Products such as chocolate, rubber, coffee and many kinds of medicine are(45)_____(harvest) from the plants found in the rainforest. Even the liquid from the skin of some species of tree frogs are being used as(46)_____(experiment) medicines. Other parts of South America are very(47)_____(differ).The Andes Mountains spread over the(48)_____(west) part of South America. The ranges, about 5500 miles long, are a continuous barrier, with many peaks rising beyond 2000(49)_____(foot). Southern South America is an extremely(50)_____(wind) and cold place where many species of penguins(企鹅), seals and whales live. _____











Michael: They are testing the 3D printer. Don’t you come and see it?

Lucas: What? Never heard of it.

Michael: It is one of the most latest technological?innovations.

Lucas: Really?(1)_________.

Michael: Come on! You should learn to be?open-minded.

Lucas: (2)_________.

Michael: The 3D printing technology could be used in construction, engineering, biomedicine, and many other fields. It can print anything, a house, a car, even a liver!

Lucas: That can’t be true.I will never believe this.

Michael: (3)_________. All these will be absolutely carried out by 3D printers. There’ s a company called Natural Machines has introduced a 3D printer for food producing.

Lucas: I guess that there are a lot of procedures involved in this process. So this printer must be very big.

Michael:(4)_________. It can print all kinds of dessert and starter.

Lucas: Is it expensive?


A.It is about $. 1, 000

B.Maybe its functions are questionable

C.It is really true.

D.What are the main functions of it?

E.In fact, it is as big as an oven

Many students take Internet -based courses mainly

By almost any measure , there is a boom in Internet-based instruction . In just a few years , 34 percent of American universities have begun offering some form of distance learning (DL), and among the larger schools , it’s closer to 90 percent . If you doubt the popularity of the trend, you probably haven’t. It enrolls 90,000 student, a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country.

While the kinds of instruction offered in these programs will differ, DL usually signifies a course in which the instructions post syllabi(课程大纲), reading assignments , and schedules on Websites , and students send in their assignments by e-mail . Generally speaking, face-to-face communication with an instructor is minimized or eliminated altogether.

Many students take Internet -based courses mainly because they can_____

A) Earn their academic degrees with much less effort

B) Save a great deal on traveling and boarding expenses

C) Select courses from various colleges and universities

D) Work on the required courses whenever and wherever

When imaginative men turn their eyes towards space and wonder whether life exists in any p
art of it, they may cheer themselves by remembering that life need not resemble closely the life that exists on Earth. Mars looks like the only planet where life like ours could exist, and even this is doubtful. But there may be other kinds of life based on other kinds of chemistry, and they may multiply on Venus or Jupiter. At least we cannot prove at present that they do not.

Even more interesting is the possibility that life on their planets may be in a more advanced stage of evolution. Present-day man is in a peculiar and probably temporary stage. His individual units retain a strong sense of personality. They are, in fact, still capable under favorable circumstances of leading individual lives. But man's societies are already sufficiently developed to have enormously more power and effectiveness

than the individuals have.

It is not likely that this transitional situation will continue very long on the evolutionary time scale. Fifty thousand year's from now man's societies may have become so close-knit that the individuals retain no sense of separate personality. Then little distinction will remain between the organic parts of the multiple organism and the inorganic parts (machines) that have been constructed by it. A million years further on man and his machines may have merged as closely as the muscles of the human body and nerve cells that set them in motion.

The explorers of space should be prepared for some' such situation. If they arrive on a foreign planet that has reached an advanced stage (and this is by no means impossible), they may find it being inhabited by a single large organism composed of many closely cooperating units.

The units may be "secondary"-machines created millions of years ago by a previous form. of life and given the will and ability to survive and reproduce. They may be built entirely of metals and other durable materials. If this is the case, they may be much more tolerant of their environment, multiplying under conditions that would destroy immediately any organism made of carbon compounds and dependent on the familiar car bon cycle.

Such creatures might be relics of a past age, many millions of years ago, when their planet was favorable to the origin of life, or they might be immigrants from a favored planet.

Humans on Earth today are characterized by______.

A.their existence as free and separate beings

B.their capability of living under favorable conditions

C.their great power and effectiveness

D.their strong desire for living in a close-knit society

What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one 56there are as many different
kinds of English as there are speakers of it.57 two speakers speak in exactly the same 58 We can always hear differences 59 them, and the pronunciation of English 60 a great deal in different geographical 61. How do we decide what sort of English to use as a 62 ? This is not a question that can be 63in the same way for all foreign learners of English.64you live in a part of the world 65India or West Africa, where there is a long 66 of speaking English for general communication purpose, you should 67 to acquire a good variety of the pronunciation of this area.It would be 68 in these circumstances to use as a model BBC English or 69of the sort. On the other hand, if you live in a country 70 there is no traditional use of English, you must take 71your model some form. of 72English pronunciation. It does not 73very much which form. you choose. The most 74way is to take as your model the sort of English you can 75 most often.


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Questionsare based on the following passage.In London, over half of the homes built betwee

Questionsare based on the following passage.

In London, over half of the homes built between 1919 and 1980 had one garage.But many arebecoming needless.Between 2002 and 2012 the proportion of vehicles kept in garages at night droppedfrom 22% to 14%.This is in part because some households now have more cars than garage space.Butit is also because big modern cars do not fit in older garages, says David Leibling, a transport expert.

Few rust when left outside, and many are more difficult to steal: between 2003 and 2013 the number ofvehicle being stolen in England and Wales fell 76%.Instead, garages now solve a different set ofproblems.

Householders unable to move to larger homes have taken to filling their garages with unnecessaryand unwanted things.Some garages have been converted for aging parents for their convenience, says Paul Bishop, who runs a garage conversion company in Bedfordshire.Also, some young people unableor unwilling to leave home may have an option to live in the garage.In addition, a garage may be rentedto young folks fond of music.It is, more often than not, an ideal place to freely play music.

However, many publicly owned garages lie empty.Of the 6,000 garages owned by Hackney

council, around 40% are free.Over 3,000 garages owned by ten housing associations are unused and the land they take up is unfit for building homes upon, says Steve O"Connell, a councilor at the London Assembly.He thinks they could be turned into small offices.That has already happened in places such as Berlin.

Nevertheless converting garages can be troublesome, says Bill Hodgson of University College London.Few councils are enthusiastic enough to truly support the idea and put it into practice.A recent proposal to turn some garages in north London into shelters for the homeless has been rejected; councillors feared that local residents would not approve.Getting planning permission can be complex,

and developing on local authority land is often faced with various kinds of problems.Like the garages themselves, these plans may be useless and abandoned.

In the viewpoint of David Leibling, many garages are unused for velficles in that__________. 查看材料

A.the number of vehicles in the garages being stolen decreases by 76%

B.big modern vehicles are covered with rust when placed in the garages

C.big modem vehicles do not suit older garages

D.some families have more garages than vehicles

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