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radioactive minerals.选择

We all __________________ radiation here on earth from the sun, from cosmic rays and from radioactive minerals.

[A] receive

[B] accept

[C] bring

[D] catch

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更多“radioactive minerals.选择”相关的问题
What kind of things cannot be taken on the plane()。

A.aggressive tools

B.corrosive articles

C.poisonous articles

D.radioactive articles

回答下列各题 ·Read this Letter to the editor of The Economist. ·Choose the best sentence
from the opposite page to fill each of the blanks. ·For each blank(8-12),mark one letter(A-G)on your Answer Sheet. ·Do not mark any leder twice. ·There is an example at the beginning(0). Sir, You stated on February l3th that New Mexico has“few natural resources” D. In 1991 New Mexico ranked fourth in the United States in production of natural gas,seventh in oil and tenth in non-fuel minerals(8)______ Non-fuel minerals contributed about$l billion and coal $509 million. Taxes from production of fuels and minerals,and lease payments on state lands have been set aside by legislative acts to endow two permanent funds worth about$5.65 billion.(9)______In addition,during fiscal year 1991,payments to New Mexico from taxes on federal lands were$108 million,all earmarked for public education。 (10)______About$566 million came from taxes and permanent-fund earnings attributable to oil and gas production.(11)______Tourism is an important industry in New Mexic0,yet its economic impact on the public sector is dwarfed by that of mineral production. New Mexico canle through the recent recession in much better shape than most other states.It does not have a deficit.(12)______States that rely primarily on a sales tax or on an income tax have big problems during economic downturns.Income growth per head in New Mexico averaged 6.1/00 in the year to October l992-one of the fastest growth rates in the United STATES Charles Chapin A.This is in large due to its broadly based tax structure. B. New Mexic0’S extractive mineral industries contribute about a third of the state’S $1.9 billion general-fund income in fiscal year l 991. C.However.the extractive mineral industry in New Mexico is one of the state’S strongest economic forces. D.During fiscal year l 992 New Mexico raised permanent funds worth about$6.1billion. E.The combined value of oil and gas production was$2.8 billion. F.Some 16,000 employees work in the extractive industries and their wages are among the highest of any major industry. G.The$39 million earned by these funds in l 991 was used to finance education and other public services. (8)__________

The history of the American people is,【C1】______, the history of the movement of the Ameri
can people. They moved from the colonies of the East Coast to the open space of the【C2】______They moved from the country and the farm to the city.【C3】______, Americans have been moving from the cities to the suburbs. Pioneer Americans began【C4】______from the East Coast to the West 250 years ago. They moved west for many reasons.【C5】______reason was that they could obtain【C6】______open space and land【C7】______fanning. Americans liked large open spaces, and they liked the freedom and independence to【C8】______the land in their own way. Some of the land became farms. Important minerals were discovered in some areas, so some of the land became【C9】______Other large areas became cattle ranches. There seemed to be enough land for everybody. But it was a difficult【C10】______of endless work and hardship.


A.with part

B.of part

C.in part

D.on part

Man is a land animal, but he is also closely tied to the sea.Throughout history the se
a has served the needs of man.The sea has provided man with food and a convenient way to travel to many parts of the world.Today, experts believe that nearly two-thirds of the world’s population live within eighty kilometers of the seacoast.

In the modern technology world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive.Resources on land are beginning to grow less.The sea, however, still offers hope to supply many of man’s needs in the future.

The riches of the sea yet to be developed by man’s technology are impressive.Oil and gas explorations have existed for nearly thirty years.Valuable amounts of minerals such as iron, copper and so on exist on the ocean floor.

Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new sources of energy.For example, warm temperature of the ocean can be used as the steam in a steamship.Sea may also offer a source of energy as electricity for mankind.

Technology is enabling man to explore even deeper under the sea.It is obvious that the technology to harvest the sea continues to improve.By 2050, experts believe that the problems to explore the food,

minerals and energy resources of the sea will have been largely solved.

26.What is the proper title for the passage______

A.Needs of Man

B.Sea Harvest and Food

C.Sea and Sources of Energy

D.Sea Exploring Technology

27.It can be inferred from the passage that______

A.man hasn’t completely made use of the riches of the sea

B.technology for exploring the sea has been solved

C.harvesting rice in the sea will be made possible

D.in the near future man can live on the ocean floor

28.Why does the author mention a steamship______

A.To illustrate that man can make use of sources of energy from the sea

B.To show that a steamship is better than other kinds of ships

C.To argue that man should use steamships

D.To indicate that it is warmer in the ocean than on land

29.According to the author, technology is important because______

A.resources on land are running short in ten years

B.man can use it to explore the deeper sea

C.it is a lot of fun diving into the sea

D.ancient people used it to explore the sea

30.According to the author, when will the problems to explore the deeper sea largely be solved______

A.In the next generation

B.By the end of the 20th century

C.In the near future

D.By the middle of the 21st century

Thousands of years ago, in the middle of an ocean, miles from the nearest island, an u
ndersea volcano(火山) broke out. The hot liquid rock piled higher and higher and spread wider and wider. In this way, an island rose up in the sea. As time went on, hot sun and cool rains made the rock split and break to pieces. Sea waves dashed against the rock. In this way, soil and sand came into being. Nothing lived on the naked soil. And then the wind and birds brought plant seeds, spiders and other little creatures there. Only plants could grow first. Only they, in sunlight, could produce food from the minerals of the soil, water and air. While many animals landed on the island, they could find no food. A spider spun its web in vain, because there were no insects for its web to catch. Insects couldn’t stay until there were plants for them to eat. So plants had to be the pioneer life on this new island.

1.The main point of the passage is ().

A.how an island formed

B.how a volcano broke out

C.how plants were brought to the island

D.how plants and animals began to live on an island in the sea

2.According to the passage,() made the island rise up in the sea.

A.hot liquid rock from the undersea volcano

B.sand brought by the wind

C.rock from the nearest island

D.sea waves

3.The word "dash"(in Para.2)means ().





4.Why couldn't animals live on the island before plants?()

A.Because it was too hot on the bare island

B.Because it rained too mush

C.Because there was no water

D.Because they couldn't find food

5.Which order of coming into being on the volcano-produced island is right?()

A.Hot liquid rock, animals and plants

B.Soil, hot liquid rock and plants

C.Spiders, birds and plants

D.Soil, plants and animals

Increasingly, over the past ten years, people—especially young people—have become aware of
the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed food, is not good for the health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods.

Foods which do not contain chemical additives (添加剂) and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today.

Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic (有机的) matter. In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount—but not the quality—of foods grown in commercial farming areas.

Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures(牧场). Compare this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: there are farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food, they . also lay eggs which lack important vitamins.

There are other aspects of healthy eating which are now receiving increasing attention from experts on diet. Take, for example, the question of sugar. This is actually a non-essential food! Al though a natural alternative, such as honey, can be used to sweeten food if it is necessary, we can in fact do without it. It is not that sugar is harmful in itself. But it does seem to be addictive: the quantity we use has grown steadily over the last two centuries and in Britain today each person consumes an average of 200 pounds a year! Yet all it does is to provide us with energy, in the form. of calories. There are no vitamins in it, no minerals and no fiber.

It is significant that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet. In white bread, for example, the fiber has been removed.But it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis is placed on the eating of whole meal bread and more vegetables by modem experts on "healthy eating".

People have become more interested in natural foods because ________.

A.they are more health conscious

B.they want to taste all kinds of foods

C.natural foods are more delicious than processed foods

D.they want to return to nature

The majority of people in this country eat too much fat and not enough fibre (纤维) and
The majority of people in this country eat too much fat and not enough fibre (纤维) and

The majority of people in this country eat too much fat and not enough fibre (纤维) and for most people having a healthy diet is simple and easy to do. The move towards a healthy diet may just mean eating more fruit, vegetables, bread and potatoes.

There are 5 basic food groups and a healthy diet consists of eating a variety of foods from each of the groups.

1. Bread, potatoes, rice, noodles,and breakfast cereals.

These foods mostly contain starch (淀粉) and should be the main part of all your meals. If possible try to choose high fibre varieties. This group of foods is an excellent source (来源) fibre and is rich in vitamin (维生素)

2. Fruit and vegetables

This includes all frozen, fresh and canned fruit/vegetables as well as salad vegetables. These are all excellent sources of vitamins minerals and fibre and are naturally low in fat and calories.

3. Milk and dairy foods

Milk and dairy products include cheese, yoghurt and milk. They are rich in protein (蛋白质) calcium, vitamin and minerals.

4. Meat, fish and poultry (家禽)

Eating fish 1-2 times a week is good for you. All types of meats are included in the category and red meat is excellent source of iron and vitamin B12. Nuts, peas and beans are also in this food group.

5. Foods containing fats and sugars.

This last group contains butter, cream, ice cream, cooking oil, cakes, biscuits, chocolate, sugary drinks, sweets and crisps. All of these foods tend to be high in fat and calories.Try not to eat these foods too often and when you do, only have them in small amounts.

(1)、What’s the problem with many people?

A、Not enough sleep

B、Staying up late

C、Eating too much fat and not enough fibre

D、Under stress

(2)、What does a healthy diet mean? It means ().

A、five different kinds of foods a meal

B、different kinds of foods from the 5 basic food groups

C、different kinds of fruits and vegetables

D、less fruit, vegetables, bread and potatoes

(3)、We should try not to eat foods from () too often.

A、Group 5

B、Group 4

C、Group 1

D、Both Group 4 and Group 5

(4)、Which of following sentence is NOT true?

A、Nuts and meat are in the same group.

B、Milk and dairy products are rich in protein.

C、Bread and milk are in the same group.

D、Cakes and chocolate tend to be high in fat and calories.

(5)、What’s the main idea of the passage?

A、What should a healthy diet consist of ?

B、How can we tell the differences from 5 basic food groups?

C、A healthy diet is simple and easy to do.

D、Vitamin is not a part of staying healthy.

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