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Although I like the appearance of the house, what

really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful ______________ through the window.

A) vision B) look

C) picture D) view

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更多“Although I like the appearance…”相关的问题
I would like to do the job()you don't force me to study.A. in caseB. althoughC. as

I would like to do the job()you don't force me to study.

A. in case

B. although

C. as long as

The TV set hasn't been repaired yet.It looks()it will be another week.

A.as if




Public speaking fills most people with dread. Humiliation is the greatest fear; serf-expos
ure and failing to appeal to the audience come a close second. Women hate it most, since girls are pressurized from an early age to be concerned with appearances of all kinds.

Most people have plenty of insecurities, and this seems like a situation that will bring them out. If parents, teachers or peers mocked your foibles as a child, you fear a repeat. If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of failing in the most public of ways.

While extroverts will feel less fear before the ordeal, it does not mean they will necessarily do it better. Some very shy people manage to shine. In fact, personality is not the best predictor of who does it well. Regardless of what you are like in real life, the key seems to be to act yourself.

Actual acting, as in performing the scripted lines of a character other than yourself, does not do the job. While politicians may limit damage by having carefully rehearsed, written screeds to speak from, there is always a hidden awareness among the audience that the words might not be true.

Although, as Earl Spencer proved at his sister Princess Diana's funeral, it is possible both to prepare every word and to act naturally, as script. rarely works and it is used as a crutch by most people. But, being yourself doesn't work either. If you spoke as if you were in your own kitchen, it would be too authentic, too unaware of the need to communicate with an audience.

I remember going to see British psychiatrist RD Laing speak in public. He behaved like a seriously odd person, talking off the top of his head. Although he was talking about madness and he wrote on mental illness, he seemed to be exhibiting rather than explaining it.

The best psychological place from which to speak is an unselfconscious self-consciousness, providing the illusion of being natural. Studies suggest that this state of "flow", as psychologists call it, is very satisfying. Whether in normal life or making speeches, the key is to remind yourself that, contrary to what your teachers or parents may have implied, your best is good enough. In the zone, a strange place of authentic falsehood and shallow depth, play is possible.

For most people the biggest fear for public speaking is______.

A.looking foolish

B.failing in words

C.not attracting attention

D.appearing pressurized

Third culture kid is a term in English that is used to describe children who have grow
n up in a different culture to that of their parents.There are great things about experiencing such a unique childhood.Third culture kids can also face many challenges.

I was born in England, to English parents.When I was two years old my dad got a new job in Poland.Since then I have lived in four other countries around the world.Although I have a British passport,I sometimes don't feel very English at all!

One of the best things about moving around a lot when I was younger experiencing many diverse cultures and countries.I was able to try different foods, learn different languages, experience different traditions and meet people from different backgrounds.I am also lucky to have friends all over the world that I keep in regular contact with.

However, it wasn't always easy.It often felt like I had only just settled in to the new school city and culture before my parents told me we were moving again.Leaving my friends behind was damaging as a child.I have lost touch with many people I was very close to because one of us moved country.It was also very disorientating to have an English passport, but not feel very English at all.Because I had no access to English culture, returning home, often felt like visiting a foreign country.Happily, now I feel more at home in England—although the question, “where are you from?” still confuses me!

26.A third culture kid may have a ____.

A.dull experience

B.special childhood

C.strong accent

D.traditional lifestyle

27.The author doesn't feel very English because he ____.

A.does not have a British passport

B.was not born in England

C.spent more time in other countries

D.has many foreign friends

28.The author experienced different traditions by the following EXCEPT ____.

A.trying foods of other countries

B.moving around a lot

C.doing different jobs

D.making international friends

29.The author found it not always easy to ____.

A.make new friends

B.find a new school

C.have new teachers

D.adapt to new situations

30.The word “disorientating” (Para.4) probably means ____.





I was advised to arrange for insurance ?

I was advised to arrange for insurance _________ I needed medical treatment.

A) nevertheless B) although C) in case D) so that

Interviewer – Why is English so important?David – Well, English is so important prima
rily because so many people speak it and use it, so it has now become the lingua franca in the world (1)() a way that we've never seen before. We(2)() a world language of this kind before. So people are learning it not just to be able to communicate (3)() native speakers, but also with speakers of other languages around the worl

D.Interviewer – And why has it become that dominant language?David – I think the reason (4)() that is actually very complicated, although in the twentieth century, we can just see that it's the rise of the US military and consumer power. I mean the technology, all the big developments in technology largely came from the US. So all of these developments actually (5)() within the English language, and people had to learn English in order to understand them, or to benefit (6)() them. The Internet is only one example of that kin

D. Once a language has (7)() that position of dominance, it's actually very difficult (8)() it. So we could be seeing the emergence of other big languages in the world (9)() more important than they have been, like Spanish, but it's unlikely (10)() they're going to shift English from its position of dominance.

1. A. on

B. in

C. with

D. to

2. A. never have

B. never had

C. have never had

D. had never had

3. A. to

B. in

C. with

D. and

4. A. for

B. to

C. in

D. on

5. A. produce

B. are produced

C. have produced

D. were produced

6. A. for

B. to

C. from

D. with

7. A. got into

B. got out of

C. got in

D. got out

8. A. shifted

B. to shift

C. shifting

D. shift

9. A. become

B. to become

C. becoming

D. became

10. A. that

B. which

C. what


I didn’t answer the phone _________I didn’t hear it ring.





________ I stayed in the AAA Company only a short time, but I learned a lot







第 1 题Directions :For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic A letter of Consolation. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:


A letter of Consolation




【我提交的答案】:First,i want to tell you the life is






A letter of Consolation

May 26,2008

Dear Friends,

I was deeply saddened to(1)learn of the great loss of lives and extensive damage caused by the sudden and deadly earthquake in your provide.(2)As for what you have encountered in the earthquake,1 would like to extend my sympathies to all of you(3)who affected by the earthquake,and my condolences to the families of the Victims.

(4)Although you’ve lost your homes and even your parents,you still have another mother——China.Our motherland has mounted swift relief and rescue efforts.And I am confident that our motherland will be able to tackle the challenges ahead and that all of you will return to schools in the shortest possible time.(5)As a result。please don’t(6)worry about your future very much and just(7)focus 011 your study.And I'm sure a bright future will(8)wait for you.

My Other classmates and I have donated some money to(9)assist you in reconstructing your homes.(10)However hard it is.we will still stay with you and help you?

Best regards!


Li Ming
















A letter of Consolation

May 26,2008

Dear Friends,

I am terribly sorry to(1)know about the terrible situation(2)caused by the earthquake happened in the l2“of May in your province.And l would like to express my sympathies to all of you,and my condolences to the families of the victims.

When v叫miss your parents or close friends died in the earthquake and(3)feel frustrated.you should(4)bear in mind that Our government and other Chinese people are still trying their best to help you.And I believe that all the difficulties ahead will be overcome and all of you will return to new homes In the near future.So don't(6)be worried about your situation,you will have new houses to live in and new schools to study in.(7)What you need do is only to(8)forget about the past and(9)concentrate OH your study.

I hope l will see your big smile Off your face again and your life(10)returns to normal.coon.

Best regards!


Li Ming










(9)“集中精力于…” 、




I'11 send you my address________ I find somewhere to live.[A] although [B]as[C]while [D

I'11 send you my address________ I find somewhere to live.

[A] although



[D] once

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