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Criticism and self-criticism is necessary ________

it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.

A) by that B) at that C) on that D) in that

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A.rouse curiosity

B.raise suspicion

C.receive acclaim

D.incur criticism

‍西方学者在整理古典文本、《圣经》文本、莎士比亚文本以及近现代作家文本的过程中建立起一套独特的文献学。请问Textual Criticism对应的中译是()。‌





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&8226;Read this text taken from an article on theories of management,&8226;Choose the best

&8226;Read this text taken from an article on theories of management,

&8226;Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.

&8226;For each gap 9-14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;There is an example at the beginning (O).

Don't follow that theory - think for yourself!

In the 1990s, according to US author Eileen Shapiro, managers have abandoned the right to manage. She argues that managers in the USA have lost confidence. (0) H

She describes a corporate culture which is extremely defensive and which has as its motto 'Managers should always follow the latest short-lived management theory, no matter how irrelevant it may be'. (9) In turn, these have been followed blindly by managers who have given up their central responsibility - taking decisions about their own business in their own particular circumstances.

"I really believe a manager's job is to manage", she says. But increasingly, she feels, they do everything but that. (10) That's because this, the identification of problems and opportunities, is the scariest part of management. Managers try to avoid the anxiety it brings by simply applying the latest theory to any problem. (11) Managers should, she believes, confront these head-on.

It is not that Ms Shapiro does not believe in cutting out unnecessary management layers and opening up organisations. Her criticism is that theories are often presented unthinkingly as solutions and are applied by managers who do not really understand what they are saying.

"Theories are often regarded as if they are some sort of miraculous cure for any type of problem", she says. "However, many projects have failed because theories have been applied which were not appropriate to the situation." (12) The blame for this inappropriate application of theories lies, she claims, mainly at the door of consultancy firms. It is difficult for big firms of consultants to specialise sufficiently. They cannot hope to offer exactly the service that a company requires at a price which the client is able to afford. (13) This is worse than having no help at all.

One of the most serious potential consequences of following theories without considering whether they are appropriate or not is a loss of staff morale and motivation. Obviously, this is something to be avoided. (14) However, Ms Shapiro believes that, unfortunately, unless managers begin again to take responsibility for their own actions that is exactly what will happen.

A. They therefore end up developing generalised solutions which are offered to clients regardless of an organisation's specific problems.

B. There are many firms of consultants offering help to companies.

C. No manager in their right mind would want to work with an angry, cynical or alienated workforce.

D. Just because a course of action has succeeded in one context, it does not mean it will be right in other circumstances.

E. From 'mission statements' to 're-engineering' she shows how one theory has replaced another in quick succession.

F. But in doing so, they often fail to address the real issues.

G. They fail to tackle the central management task, which is diagnosis.

H. They therefore no longer have the courage or the ability to take responsibility for their decisions.


Shyness is a psychological state that causes a person to feel discomfort in social situati
ons in ways that interfere with enjoyment or that cause avoidance of social contacts altogether. It can vary from mild feelings to moderately uncomfortable in social circumstances to debilitating levels of anxiety that interfere in children with the process of socialization. Shyness is a personality trait that affects a child's temperament. Some infants are born shy and more sensitive. Some of them are quiet when new people enter a room. A shy baby might sink his head into his mother's shoulder, while a baby who is outgoing might smile or squeal with delight when someone new visits. Some children may feel shy in certain situations, like when meeting new people. Other children may learn to be shy because of experiences in school or at home. As of 2004, research tended to distinguish shyness from introversion. Introverts simply prefer solitary to social activities but do not fear social encounters as shy people do.

Evidence suggests a genetic component to shyness. Studies on the biological basis of shyness have shown that shyness in adults can often be traced as far back ns the age of three. A Harvard study of two-year olds showed that, even at that age, widely different personality types can be recognized: roughly 25 percent of children are bold, sociable, and spontaneous regardless of the novelty of the situation, while 20 percent are shy and restrained in new situations. The remaining 55 percent of newborns fall between the extremes of shyness and boldness. These two basic temperaments were also recognized in studies examining infants as young as four months old. As children grow, their shy temperament tends to display itself in predictable ways: for example, in play groups at age seven, shy children play by themselves, while more outgoing children seek to play together in groups. Evidence of a genetic predisposition for shyness is found in parents and grandparents of shy infants who report childhood shyness more often than relatives of children who are not shy. Further evidence for a congenital link to shyness is found In studies that show that identical twins (who have identical genes) are more likely to be shy than fraternal twins (who are no more alike than other siblings).

Research shows, however, that 25 percent of the time genetic predisposition to shyness does not develop into shyness. Some researchers believe that a shy temperament may require environmental triggers, such as insecurity of attachment in the form. of difficult relationships with parents, family conflict or chaos, frequent criticism, a dominating older sibling, or a stressful school environment.

Research has also identified a strong cultural link to shyness. In the United States, shyness surveys typically show that shyness is highest among Asian Americans and lowest among Jewish Americans. Using culturally sensitive adaptations of the Stanford Shyness Inventory, researchers in eight countries administered the inventory to groups of 18 to 21 year olds. Results showed that a large proportion of participants in all cultures reported experiencing shyness to a considerable degree--from 31 percent in Israel to 57 percent in Japan. in Mexico, Germany, India, and Canada, shyness levels were close to the U. S. figure of 40 percent. In all countries, shyness is perceived as more negative than positive, with 60 percent or more considering shyness to be a problem. There is no gender difference in reported shyness, but males tend to conceal their shyness because it is considered a feminine Wait in most countries. For example, in Mexico, males report shyness less often than females do.

When shyness is intense, it can often lead to social anxiety disorder or to avoidant personality disorder, both characterized by the avoidance of interpersonal contacts accompanied by significant fears of embarrass

A.discomfort in social situations

B.the preference for loneliness

C.being sensitive

D.fear social encounters

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