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It took him several months to _____ the wild hors


(A) tend (C) breed

(B) cultivate (D) tame

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It took him several months to _____ the wild horse


(A) tend (C) breed

(B) cultivate (D) tame

A 10-year old boy decided to study judo despite the fact that he had lost his left arm i
n a devastating car accident.

The boy began lessons with an old Japanese judo master. The boy did well, so he couldn’t understand why, after 3 months of trains, the master had taught him only one move.“Master,” the boy finally said, “Shouldn’t I be learning more moves?” “This is the only move you know, but this is the only move you’ll need to know,” the master replied. Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy kept training. Several months later, the master took the boy to his first tournament. Surprising himself, the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, his opponent became impatient and charged; the boy skillfully used his one move to win the match. Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the finals. This time, his opponent was bigger, strong, and more experienced. For a while, the boy appeared to be outmatched. Concerned about the boy, the referee called a time-out. He was about to stop the match when the master came forward.

“No,” the master insisted, “Let him continue.”

Soon after the match resumed, his opponent made a fatal mistake. He dropped his guard. Instantly, the boy used his move to pin him. The boy won the match. He was the champion.

On the way home, the boy and his master reviewed every move in each and every match. Then the boy summoned the courage to ask what was really on his mind.

“Master, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”

“You won for two reasons,” the master answered. “First, you’ve almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in judo. And second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm.

16. Judging from the context, what happens when a referee calls a “time-out”(Line2, Para 7)?

A. The time for the game has run out

B. The game stops for a short time

C. Either side can claim victory

D. The game ends in a tie

17. Why did the master insist on continuing the match?

A. Because the time-out would give the opponent an advantage

B. Because the boy was confident of winning

C. Because he had confidence in the boy’s skill

D. Because all he cared about is winning the final

18. What caused the defeat of the boy’s opponent in the final?

A. Over-confidence

B. Impatience

C. Inexperience

D. The time-out

19. Why did the master only teach the boy one move?

A. The boy could not do other moves with only one arm

B. It was the only move the master knew well

C. It was the move his opponents were not good at

D. His opponent would be helpless when he made this move

20. What does the story show?

A. One can turn his weakness into an advantage

B. It is very important to have a good teacher

C. Even a disabled person can win in a judo match

D. To master judo one only needs to learn one difficult move

Once upon a time a poor farmer taking a sack of wheat to the mill did not know【56】to do wh
en it slipped from his horse and fell【57】the road. The sack was【58】heavy for him to【59】, and his only hope was that【60】some one would come riding by and【61】a hand.

It was not long【62】a rider appeared, but the farmer' s heart sank when he【63】him, for it was the great man .who lived in a castle nearby. The farmer【64】have dared to ask【65】 farmer to help, or any poor man who might have come【66】the road, but he could not beg a【67】of so great a man.【68】, as soon as the great man came up he got【69】his horse, saying "I see you' ve had bad luck, friend. How good it is【70】I'm here just at the【71】 time. "Then he took one【72】of the sack, the farmer the other, and between them they lifted it on the horse.

"Sir," asked the farmer, "how can I pay you?"

"Easily enough," the great man【73】. "Whenever you see【74】else in trouble,【75】 the same for him."






Richard Williams works hard. He’s clever, careful, and fast. His work is dangerous. Ri
chard thinks of himself as a professional—a professional thief.

Yesterday was a typical day. Richard dressed in a business suit, took his briefcase (手提箱) , and drove to a town about ten miles from his home.

He parked his car in a busy area, then began to walk along the street.No one looked at him. He was another businessman walking to work.

At 8:05, Richard saw what he wanted. A man was leaving his house.

Richard walked around the block again. At 8: 10, he watched a woman leave the same house. After she left, Richard worked quickly. He walked to the side of the house and stood behind a tree. He took a screwdriver (螺丝刀) out of his briefcase and quickly opened the window and climbed in.

First, he looked through the desk in the living room. He found $ 200 in cash. In the dining room, he put the silverware (银器) into his briefcase.

The next stop was the bedroom. Richard stole a diamond ring and an emerald(祖母绿宝石) necklace. Richard passed a color TV, a stereo (音响) , and a camera, but he didn’t touch them. Everything had to fit into his briefcase. In less than five minutes, Rich and climbed back out the window.He looked around carefully, then began his walk down the street again.No one looked at him. He was just another businessman, walking to work.

1.Why did Richard wear a business suit?()

A、Because he is a professional

B、Because he didn’t want to draw others’ attention to him

C、Because he works hard

D、Because he is a thief

2. Richard ____ , after the man left his house.

A、stood behind a tree

B、entered the house

C、walked around the block again

D、opened the window with a screwdriver

3.No one saw Richard get into the house because ____.

A、it was night time

B、he ran very fast

C、he stood behind a tree

D、he was very clever

4.How long did Richard stay in the house?____

A、Five minutes

B、One hour

C、Nearly five minutes

D、Fifteen minutes

5.The reason why Richard didn’t take the TV set is that ____.

A、it is too big to carry

B、it is too heavy to carry

C、it is worth nothing

D、it is difficult for him to carry such a thing without being noticed

Younger people and older people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas a
bout life, work and play. But in one special program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in peace. Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. The aim is not just to keep busy but rather to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make furniture and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills. There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photography or painting. Others sit around talking and singing. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time. When people live together, rules are always necessary. In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. The group discusses the problem. They ask, "Why did it happen?" "What should we do about it?" One of the teenagers has this to say about the experience: "You stop thinking only about yourself. You learn how to think about the group. What is the passage mainly about?A.A special way into the woods.

B.Life of adults in a special work group.

C.Life of teenagers in a special work group.

D.How adults and teenagers live together in a special work group.

When and where was the special program offered?A.Every summer in New York city

B.Every winter in New York state

C.Every summer in New York state

D.Every winter in New York city

What will people do when someone breaks the rule?A.Criticize him or her.

B.Have a group discussion about it.

C.Make more rules.

D.Ask him or her to work more in the woods.

Which of the following is not stated directly in the passage as a purpose of the program?A.To keep members of the group busy doing something

B.To make the people there understand the meaning of work

C.To find a way to solve the generation gap

D.To help people find enjoyment in work

What do the teenagers not do when they are free?A.They learn photography

B.They learn painting

C.They build houses

D.They sit around singing


Many instructors believe that an informal, relaxed classroom environment is【C1】______to le
arning and innovation. It is not uncommon for students to have【C2】______and friendly relationships with their professors. The【C3】______professor is not necessarily a poor one and is still【C4】______by students. Although students may be in a(n) 【C5】______position,some professors treat them as【C6】______. However, no mat-ter how【C7】______professors would like to be,they still are in a position of【C8】______. Professors may【C9】______social relationships with students outside of the classroom, but in the classroom they【C10】______the instructors role. A professor may have coffee one day with students【C11】______the next day expect them to【C12】______a deadline for the【C13】______of a paper or to be pre-pared【C14】______a discussion or an exam. The professor may give【C15】______attention outside of class to a student in【C16】______of help but probably will not treat him or her differently when it【C17】______evaluating school work. Professors have several roles【C18】______students;they may be counselors and friends as well as teachers. Students must 【C19】______that when a teacher s role changes, they must appropriately【C20】______their behavior. and attitudes.






With the large number of dogs roaring through our ...

With the large number of dogs roaring through our communities, people need to know the facts about rabies (狂犬病), a fatal disease caused by animal bites. Despite vaccination (接種疫苗) programs, rabies is still very prevalent, and will continue to be a serious public health problem for many years to come. Rabies strikes the central nervous system and brings on choking, convulsions (抽搐) and inability to swallow liquids. It can even cause death.

If you or anyone in your family is bitten by dog, cat or other animal, you should not panic, but thoroughly wash the wound with plenty of soap and water and rush to nearby hospital for immediate treatment. If you own the animal which did the biting, you should immediately call a veterinarian for advice and make sure the public health authorities know when and where the biting took place and who was bitten.

Rabies is a kind of disease which ________.

A.causes heart attack

B.hurt one‘s legs

C.causes nerve-centre problem and breathing problem

D.strikes one‘s brain

If a person is bitten by some kind of animal, you ________.A.should be panic

B.should take him (her) to a big hospital right away

C.should help to clean the wound and ask the patient to have a good rest at home

D.should help to clean the wound and then take him (her) to a nearby hospital quickly as possible

Which is the best title of the passage?A.What a Rabies?

B.The Horrible Rabies

C.What Are Animal Bites?

D.How to Control Rabies

From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings an
d weekends they are free and __1__ themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies, others take part in sports. This is decided by their own interests.

There are many different ways to spend our free time. Almost everyone has some kind of __2__. It may be something from colleting stamps to making model planes. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others don't cost anything at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money, others are valuable only to their owners.

I know a man who has a coin collection worth several __3__ dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece which cost him $50! He was very happy about this collection and thought the price was all right. On the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 kinds of them, but I wonder __4__ they are worth any money. However, to my brother they are quite valuable. __5__ makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.

That's what a hobby means, I think. It is something we like to do in our free time just for the fun of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.


























The mystery of the Marie Celeste We spotted the Marie Celeste drifting in mid-Atlantic
on December 5, 1872. Since the ship looked damaged, the captain said the three of us (1) board her at once (2) investigate and (3) him back any information we could get hold of. We (4) climb on board without too much difficulty but we couldn’t see any sign of life anywhere. The crew of the Marie Celeste (5) have abandoned ship (6) the ship’s small lifeboat was missing. Some navigational equipment which a ship of that kind (7) had on board was also missing. The crew (8) had much time to abandon ship because they had not (9) with them many of their personal possessions. Luckily, we (10) to find the ship’s log which helped us a great deal in our (11) . The last time the captain of the Maria Celeste had (12) an entry in the ship’s log was November 21. Something extraordinary must have taken (13) between this date and December 5. The captain of the ship, Benjamin Briggs, had extensive (14) of the high seas so what had made him (15) the decision to abandon ship in the middle of nowhere?

1. A、have

B、had to



2. A、in order that

B、so that

C、in order to

D、for to

3. A、take




4. A、couldn’t



D、were able to

5. A、can’t




6. A、since

B、on account of

C、as a result of

D、owing to

7. A、shouldn’t

B、should have

C、shouldn’t have

D、should be

8. A、ought not have

B、must not

C、couldn’t have

D、would have

9. A、taken




10. A、could




11. A、information




12. A、took




13. A、part




14. A、qualification




15. A、bring




根据下列文章,请回答 41~45 题。 Florence Nightingale FlorenceNightingale was born in F

根据下列文章,请回答 41~45 题。

Florence Nightingale

FlorenceNightingale was born in Florence,Italy, while her wealthy English parents weretraveling in Europe.As a child,she traveled to many places with her family and learnedhow to speak several languages.

WhenNightingale was 17.she told her family that she was going to help sick people.Herparents did not approve,but Nightingale was determined.

Shetraveled to hospitals all over Europe.She saw that doctors were working too hard.Shesaw that patients died because they did not get enough care.Nightingale felt thatwomen could be doing more to help doctors take care of sick people.

Nightingale knew that in order for nurses to do more,they needed specialtraining in how to take care of sick people.Nightingale went to a hospital inGermany to study nursing.Then she returned to London and became the head of agroup of women called Gentlewomen During Illness.These women cared for sickpeople in their homes.

In 1854。Englandwas fighting a war with Russia.War reporters wrote about the terribleconditions in the hospitals that cared for the wounded.People demanded that somethingbe done about it.A leader of the government asked Florence Nightingale to takesome nurses into the war hospitals.S0。in November l 854,Nightingale finally gotto work in a hospital.

She took along 38nurses whom she had trained herself.

At first.thedoctors on the battlefields did not want Nightingale and her nurses in theirhospitals.They did not believe that women could help.But in fact,the nurses didmake a difference.They worked around the clock,tending the sick.Thanks to theirhard work,many wounded soldiers survived.

Afterthe war, Nightingale and her nurses were treated like heroes.Finally, in 1860,shestarted the Nightingale School for Nurses.In time,thanks to FlorenceNightingale,nursing became an important part of medicine.

第 41 题 FlorenceNightingale was born into a rich

A.Italian family.

B.Russian family.


D.German family.

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